Issue #82
Fail Often
If failure is not an option, then, most of the time, neither is success. — Seth Godin

When was the last time you failed at something? How did that make you feel? Were you sad, disappointed, frustrated, or angry? What if I told you there is a better way to look at failure? What if I told you that we should all fail more often?
Failure can be very positive and transformative. If you decide to learn from it, it can help you grow by clearly outlining your weaknesses and mistakes. The experience you get from it will make your another attempt easier. (And if you’ve failed at something that matters, you should almost certainly try again.)
The biggest growth often comes from failure. So go ahead, try something you might fail at; you’ll learn a lot, you’ll grow stronger and it just might bring you one step closer to your dreams.
Did You Fail At Something? Good—Do Something Else
Do you have plans, goals, ideals, or outcomes that you want to achieve? And do you get frustrated when things don’t go according to plan? Focus on the good.
Failure Is Good
Achieving resilience in the face of failure, perseverance in the face of adversity is a central part of any ultimate success and part of our own evolution.
What I Do When I Fail
Have a flexible mindset. Realize that every attempt is about learning. Ask for help. Give yourself a break. Remind yourself why it’s important.
Until Next Week
Fail often, for the biggest growth often comes from failure.
Zoran Jambor
Inspiration Bits