Issue #8
Show Your Work
Make stuff you love and talk about stuff you love and you’ll attract people who love that kind of stuff. It’s that simple.

I’ve heard you’ve been working on a side project for a couple of months now. Well, I haven’t actually heard it, but I’m pretty certain you are. Everyone is. But you’re keeping it hidden, aren’t you?
Consider showing it to someone. You’ll get useful feedback, you’ll find out how far you are from done, and most importantly, you’ll be able to improve it based on what really matters to your customers or fans.
Show Your Work
Ship before you’re ready, because you will never be ready. Ready implies you know it’s going to work, and you can’t know that. You should ship when you’re prepared, when it’s time to show your work, but not a minute later.
Why You Must Show Your Work
By sharing your work, by sharing your process, by putting yourself out there, a little tiny community can form around your work.
Do the Uncomfortable
The only way to reach your true potential is by putting your work out in the world. External dialog and feedback will take your work to places you can never take it on your own.
Why Your Critics Aren't The Ones Who Count
There is nothing more frightening than the moment we expose our ideas to the world. Brené Brown shows how to deal with the critics and our own self-doubt.
Until Next Week
So, what have you been working on lately, but were afraid to show?
I’d love to see it, and I’d love to give you some (positive and constructive) feedback.
Zoran Jambor