Issue #18
Creativity Is Freedom
We are more scared of being wrong than we are scared of going our whole life without creating anything. ― @gapingvoid

Are you scared of being wrong? Most people are. The fear paralyses us and stops us from doing the work that matters. The only path to creativity is through this fear; you can become truly creative only if you can conquer it.
No One Is Too Busy to Be Creative
The freedom to fail — as long as you’re failing in interesting ways — makes for tremendous success.
Fear Is Boring, and Other Tips for Living a Creative Life
We’re all creative souls already, we just need to figure out how to harness inspiration and unleash the creative spirit within.
Why You Should Never Be Afraid of Failure
The best part of failure is that it takes your journey on a path it could never have found without.
Creativity Is Freedom
If there is something you love to do, something you lose yourself in, go and do it.
Until Next Week
You will never unleash your full creative potential unless you accept that you’ll make mistakes. Being wrong is an essential part of creativity and you shouldn’t run away from it; you should embrace it.
Now go and do something even though you could be wrong and even though you could fail.
Zoran Jambor