Issue #149

Keep Going

"If you're going through hell, keep going." — Winston Churchill
An illustration of a person walking in the woods, and among threes there is a sleeping giant..
You always have one step in front of you, and if you take it, you’ll discover something incredible—perhaps a sleeping, benevolent giant, just like in this art piece by Robbie Aldis.

When it gets rough, just keep going.

It might sound silly or obvious, but it’s an incredibly powerful mindset to adopt.

Your focus should be on improving. You don’t have to accomplish anything; you don’t have to finish anything; you just need to make a tiny bit of progress.

If you can, and if you can repeat this regularly, you’ll get far.

So if it ever gets rough, if you ever feel stuck, if you ever lose motivation or burn out, try to take another step. Just one. It just might be enough to shift your mindset and get your momentum flowing. Everything after that will be much easier.

Zoran Jambor
Inspiration Bits

PS. Thanks to everyone who replies to my emails. Your thoughtful and heartfelt messages (yes, even simple thank yous) inspire me and help me keep going and sending this newsletter.