Issue #148
Trust in Yourself
"If you must doubt something, doubt your limits." — Price Pritchett

You don’t always have to know where you’re going, what your goals are, or how to achieve them.
Sometimes, it’s perfectly enough to have a vague idea of what you want with a firm belief that you will achieve it somehow.
Have faith (for lack of a better expression) that you are getting closer to your goals without a clear path and even without understanding exactly how you’ll get there.
Trust that you know everything that you need to know.
The keyword is, of course, belief. You can’t know if something will happen or when it will happen, but if you keep grinding, working diligently towards it, in tiny steps, you will get closer and closer, even if you don’t see it, even if it doesn’t feel that way.
You will get there.
Zoran Jambor
Inspiration Bits
P.S. Does this make any sense? It doesn’t feel that way, but I somehow believe that someone somewhere needs to hear this. Perpahs just you.