Issue #108
Trust Yourself
You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. — Steve Jobs

If you want to find your passion, if you want to find a way to do the work that matters and makes a difference, you need to try many different things.
Some won’t work, some won’t make sense and some will lead to dead ends.
And that’s ok. It’s all a part of a process. Even if the things you do today don’t make any sense or don’t have any purpose, they could be important later in your life when you start something completely unrelated.
You can’t know exactly where your path leads you. You have to trust yourself, you have to believe in your choices and your system.
Dots will connect, but only if you keep going, searching, and improving.
One Thing Will Make All The Difference In Your Life
People who eventually find success start by trying things. Lots of things. They succeed at some. They fail at others. They learn from those successes and those failures.
Until Next Week
Try different things, experiment, fail, learn, start from scratch, fail again. And believe that your path leads somewhere and that the dots will connect.
Zoran Jambor
Inspiration Bits
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