Issue #1
Getting Started
The secret of getting ahead is getting started.

Thank you so much for opening the first issue of Inspiration Bits.
The concept of this newsletter is simple. I’ll collect a bits and pieces of inspirational material that will help you get up and push you to start doing the work that matters.
Newsletters will be short; the point is to inspire you, not to immerse you into a dozen of various articles and videos on inspiration.
Finding Motivation on Important But Non-Urgent Tasks
Nothing stands in your way from doing important, joyful, meaningful work. So get to it!
The Secret to Making Good Content
It’s the ultimate question for any creative endeavor: regardless of what it is you’re making, how do you make it good?
Boost Your Creativity: 7 Ways to Be Insanely Creative on Demand
A couple of techniques you can use to boost your creativity and get out of a creative funk.
You Will Never Regret Good Work Once It is Done
Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.
How to Get Inspired When You Aren’t Sure What to Do
Inspiration is a moment where we temporarily access the divine relationship between all things. It’s always there, waiting for us to notice it. But too often we are plugged into our technology and routine. Too busy to notice.
Until Next Week
I hope you enjoyed the first Inspiration Bits issue, and that you’ll stick around for many more of them.
If you have a moment, please hit reply and let me know what you thought of it.
Happy trails,
Zoran Jambor