Issue #94
Information Detox
Sometimes you need to go on a low-information diet. — Tim Ferriss

We are continuously bombarded with information; and not just that, we’re actively seeking it out all the time. We’re not just trying to fill the empty stretches of time, like when waiting in line, but we do it even while participating in enjoyable activities.
When we’re watching a movie, or even having an interesting conversation, we unconsciously take out our phone to check notifications, glance over social media or a news portal.
What if we could be more mindful of our information intake? We could plan our reading activity and news consumption to avoid falling into a never-ending loop of distraction. We could choose to be more present, more mindful. We could choose meaning instead of pleasure.
How to Go on an Information Diet
Design your habits and shape your environment to consume information in a mindful way.
How I Tricked My Brain To Like Doing Hard Things (Dopamine Detox)
Why are some people more motivated to tackle difficult things? And is there a way to make doing difficult things easy?
Until Next Week
Small things can make a big difference. Just noticing your habits and impulses is a good first step toward improving or fixing them.
Zoran Jambor
Inspiration Bits