Issue #85
How to Beat Procrastination
Procrastination is one of the most common and deadliest of diseases and its toll on success and happiness is heavy. — Wayne Gretzky

Procrastination seems to be one of the basic, unavoidable human experiences; it’s an exit that helps us avoid difficult work and failure.
When we postpone hard tasks we instantly feel better — short term gains, small bursts of dopamine can easily outweigh the benefits of the long-term investment and we end up in the endless cycle of procrastination.
Everyone seems to be struggling with it, even the most productive people.
To cope with it, create a system that makes it harder for you to procrastinate. Go offline, structure your day strictly, organize your workspace, make a public commitment, but above all, be mindful of your emotions when you start procrastinating, and you might be able to pull yourself out of a cycle.
Try out different strategies and find the one that works for you.
Why You Procrastinate (It Has Nothing to Do With Self-Control)
Procrastination isn’t a unique character flaw or a mysterious curse on your ability to manage time, but a way of coping with challenging emotions and negative moods induced by certain tasks — boredom, anxiety, insecurity, frustration, resentment, self-doubt and beyond.
The Ten Minute Rule of Productivity
The ten-minute rule of productivity is about talking yourself into getting started. Commit to 10 minutes. Don’t focus on the outcome, focus on the output.
How to Beat Procrastination (Backed by Science)
Instead of diving into work, take a step back, think about why you do what you do, and then rely on a system that supports that.
Procrastination: A Scientific Guide on How to Stop Procrastinating
James Clear explains what procrastination is, why we procrastinate and shares some tips that will help you stop procrastinating.
Until Next Week
Practice focus, and like a muscle, it’ll grow stronger and you’ll be able to work distraction-free longer.
Zoran Jambor
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