Issue #58
Don’t Wait for Inspiration
Inspiration exists, but it has to find us working. — Pablo Picasso

Some people say that inspiration is hard to come by. In my opinion, this is a very dangerous stance that can easily become an excuse. If you’re not inspired, you don’t have to do anything; you can blame the muse for not showing up and stay safely hidden behind its unsurmountable wall.
Or, you can just buckle down, start working, and trust that inspiration will show up. And it always does. Write a sentence, paint the first stroke, play a couple of random notes, and I assure you that you won’t think about being inspired or uninspired. You’ll be lost in a moment, and that’s where the inspiration is at its strongest without you even noticing.
Spark of brilliance sometimes happen, but you’re much more likely to stumble upon it if you’re constantly provoking it, day after day. Don’t wait for inspiration. Just start working.
If You’re Relying on Inspiration, You’re Doing It Wrong
You are in charge of your life — your actions, behaviors, and choices. You can act despite not feeling inspired.
The Inspiration Lie
Waiting for inspiration to show up and solve your problems is nothing more than an empty promise. Start working right now and create your own inspiration.
Stop Waiting For Inspiration
Whatever your dream is, there is always something you can do today that will get you closer to it. Even if it is a microscopic task. Do it. And follow with another small task tomorrow.
Finding Inspiration Instead of It Finding You
One approach to innovation and brainstorming is to wait for the muse to appear, to hope that it alights on your shoulder, to be ready to write down whatever comes to you. The other is to seek it out, will it to appear, train it to arrive on time and on command.
Until Next Week
Don’t wait to get inspired. Just start creating. That’s what real artists do.
Zoran Jambor
Inspiration Bits