Issue #14
Work Smarter, Not Harder
If I had six hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend the first four hours sharpening the axe. ― Abraham Lincoln

We all seem to be preoccupied with hard work. We want to do more, and we push ourselves harder. But is this actually smart? Wouldn’t we do more if we’d focus our energy on stuff that matters the most, on the meaningful things?
The following advice will help you start working smarter.
5 Unusual Ways to Start Working Smarter, Not Harder
Falling into the “work harder and more” trap happens to all of us. Here are 5 ways to clear your head and keep working smarter, not harder.
The Art of Doing One Thing at a Time
Doing just one thing at a time helps you remember more, get more done in less time, distress, bring more attention to your work, and work smarter, instead of just harder. It’s worth the struggle a hundred times over.
7 Things You Need to Stop Doing to Be More Productive
Working harder is not always the right path to success. Sometimes, working less can actually produce better results.
Nobody Cares How Hard You Work
Scheduling every minute of your day with work isn’t a reliable indicator of a day well spent. The path to creative fulfillment might take a lot less effort than you think.
Until Next Week
Focusing on smart work is important, but don’t forget, before you can work smart, you must work hard.
Happy trails,
Zoran Jambor