Issue #33

How to Overcome Distractions

By prevailing over all obstacles and distractions, one may unfailingly arrive at his chosen goal or destination. ― Christopher Columbus
How to Overcome Distractions

A surefire way to get more done and to achieve your goals faster is to manage and eliminate your distractions. But this is not easy nor simple, as you surely know.

Here are some tips and bits of advice on how to overcome those distractions.

How to Overcome Distraction & Do Work That Matters

The first rule of doing work that matters is this: show up. Get to work so you can start making a difference. Of course, this is a no-brainer, so why do we not do it? We get distracted.

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Why Are We so Distracted All the Time?

Seeking out a mid-task distraction is our subtle way of avoiding life’s more vexing questions. When you’re feeling distracted, let yourself feel like you’d rather be doing something else, and at the same time, do the work.

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How the Internet Destroys Your Productivity

When you’re connected, you waste more time, become more distracted, and bring less focus and energy to your work. It’s worth scheduling pockets of time to disconnect from the internet so you can dive deeper into your work.

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Filter Out the Noise

When you notice yourself running to busyness and distraction, pause. Turn instead towards stillness and your meaningful activities. Build a life around stillness and meaning, and notice the difference it makes in you.

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Until Next Week

Remember, either you manage your distractions, or your distractions manage you.

Zoran Jambor
Inspiration Bits